Jose Vasquez - May 26, 2024

Week 1: God Loves The One

For The One

"God Loves the One," reflects on the balance between truth and love in ministry. In Luke 15:2, the Pharisees criticized Jesus for welcoming sinners. Jesus responded with parables, such as the lost sheep (Luke 15:3-6) and the lost coin (Luke 15:8-9), illustrating that everyone holds equal value in God's eyes and no one is a lost cause. Our impatience often blinds us to the gradual work God is doing (2 Peter 3:8-9). Like planting seeds, our role is to plant and water while trusting God to grow (1 Corinthians 3:6). The story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:20) reminds us that restoration begins with seeking out those in need. We must meet people where they are, sharing God's love and truth, showing them their worth as determined by God.

From Series: "For The One"

In this series, we’ll be diving deep into the heart of God as we explore His profound love for each and every one of us. While we are many, God’s love is so personal and intimate that He cherishes each one of us as if we were the only one. This unique and unparalleled love highlights the fact that there is only one of you in all of creation. Yet, despite this amazing truth, we often lose sight of those around us because we become so focused on ourselves. What does the Lord have to say about this? In a world where our endless consumption reflects our self-centered tendencies, what guidance does He offer us? Join us as we uncover the powerful teachings of Luke 15 and learn how to shift our focus from self to others, embracing God’s call to love and care for those around us.

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