Today, God is calling you to bring change because you’re a walking solution. You may struggle with doubt, thinking, and believing you aren’t qualified, but guess what? He has called you qualified and He wants you to share your story with others. Have you considered that your story is actually His story?
Matthew 10:8 offers clear direction, to go and give what He has given to us. Every person you encounter is His child. Think of it this way…you are an ambassador for Christ.
We are God's plan A; if we don’t show up neither will the truth.
Whether you know it or not, the journey of Christianity is a lot like a game; a competition to prevail, a grand stage before God and others to win, and how you respond to this and what you do can change the results of the game for you and those watching you! As Christians, the win isn't solely about us, it's about people far from God that He wants to bring near.